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HPV (human papillomavirus)

HPV (human papillomavirus) is a common sexually transmitted disease. Generally, the infection is not associated with infertility but can cause precancerous and cancerous cells to grow in the cervix (neck of the womb). This may reduce a woman's chances of conception or maintain a pregnancy.

Precancerous cells can be treated relatively easily if they are detected early. But the treatment may, in some cases, lead to fertility problems later on.

When precancerous tissue is found in the cervix it needs to be removed. There are several ways of doing this. The tissue may be removed by laser biopsy as in your case, freezing or burning.

These treatments may leave some scarring of the cervix, which could, in future, prevent the access of sperm to swim up the genital tract.

The production of cervical mucus may also be reduced. Sperm need a certain amount of cervical mucus during ovulation to help them on their way to meet the egg.

If too much cervical tissue is taken away, the cervix may be weaken and becomes “incompetent”. This will increase the risk of miscarriage at second trimester or premature labour.

Since there are no trace of HPV since 2015, you should not delay trying to conceive.

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